Resourceful Lib

68.71M downloads609 followersUpdateda day ago
Resourceful Lib is a modding library that contains valuable utilities and APIs developed by Team Resourceful.
At the time of writing this, there are a few mods using this library, they include Resourceful Bees, Highlight, Ad Astra!, Vitalize, and many more!
  • 📺 GL Scissor API
  • 📝 Stateful and History Screen Manager
  • 📠 Codecs for predicates, tags, recipes, sets, and random collections
  • 🎨 Color API
  • 🌐 Cross Platform Networking
  • 📲 Codec Recipes
  • 📁 Json File Utils
  • 💾 Memory Resource and Data Packs
  • 🎲 Random Collection/List
  • ⌛ Scheduling API
  • 🌎 Web Utilities
  • 📑 YABN (Yet Another Binary Notation) is a compressed binary format of JSON to allow for small transfer sizes of JSON objects
  • 📐 Highlight API (Custom Selection boxes that are not bound to cubes)


Minecraft 1.21.4, 1.21.3, 1.21, 1.20.6, and 11 more
Supports Common, Fabric, Forge, and NeoForge
Both client and server-side
Licensed MIT